To Discover How We Create

the WIN WIN WIN Community for


Why YOU should join our


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What is the Market Pain Points?

What are the Significance Pain Points facing by small and medium Growers in Malaysia, beside the environmental and economic factors?

In our points of view…..

Inconsistent Production

Multiple Environmental Challenges causing growers’ production become inconsistent and unable to match the market demand.

Constrains of Growers

Relied on intermediate parties, lack of capability and channel for growers to sale direct to end-consumers.

Fluctuation of Prices

Crops are perishable and in absent of storage & logistics facilities mean growers are unable to extend the shelf life of their produce, further contributing to price fluctuations.

Our Solutions


The Way to Create a WIN WIN WIN SITUATION for Growers, Consumers and Community!

Go Online

  1. Direct from farms and combined all agro products to the Distribution Centre ( apply B2B2C model)
  2. Build-up Agro Community Portal with 3-tiers distribution system, collect and combine all orders and deliver to respective buyers in one-go.
  3. Promote thru multi social medias using AI, Live, short video/film.

Go Downstream Products

  1. Direct material supply to the factories for production
  2. To facilitate commercialization for new product development.
  3. To Educate the end users and promote the healthy agro products thru Eco- tourism and educations program.

Go Direct to Community (members)

  1.  Invite Growers, Producers, marketers and all Agro entrepreneurs
    to become our affiliated partners and create own sub-community
  2. Attract, retain and recur customers traffic through referral incentive system.
  3. Revenue sharing with all Affiliated Partners based on the spending by all members under same sub-community. (as Group bonus)

What is the roles of

  1. Dynamic channel of marketing and sales for growers/product owners/suppliers.
  2. Centered online commerce platform for customers of all levels with a diverse agro products and services range.
  3. The 3-tier distribution reward system to facilitate traffic attraction, recurring, and retention for growers, product owners, and suppliers
  4. An affiliated community system to synergize all resources, business opportunities, and foster win-win relationships for all stakeholders under one COMMUNITY.

Our Business Model – How we create the 3 Wins?

WIN Customers by Cash Back.

Attract & retain them by giving cashback upon top-up their credit account & upon spending.

WIN Distributors by 3-levels Overriding Commission

Motivating them by giving-up Overriding Commission on their spending amounts on a recurring basis (up to 3 generations only)

WIN Affiliated Partners by Revenue Sharing Basis

Leverage among Suppliers by cross selling their products/services and sharing the revenue as Group Bonus.

How it works for a customer?


Get Cashback upon top-up  credit account plus free gift and discount vouchers (if any)


To  earn Cash Back upon spending and SAVE on next spending.


Refer members and entitled to earn Overriding Commission on their spending amounts on a recurring basis ( up to 3-generations only). 


Promote to be a Team Leader after achieved the given targets and entitled to enjoy Group Bonus that calculated based on total spending of all members under him/her sponsorship (unlimited generations).

How it works for a supplier? ​



Supply products at wholesale prices.



Refer members to join Agrobator’ Community and entitled to earn Overriding Commission on their spending amounts on a recurring basis (up to 3 generations only)



Create a sub-community ,become a leader and earn Group Bonus which calculating based on spending amounts of all members under same sub-community.

Marketing & Fulfilment Partner :